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Elegant Portfolio Showit Website for Interior Designer, Mary Engelken Interiors

We recently launched this beautiful Showit website for interior designer, Mary Engelken Interiors to highlight her work, and showcase her unique style. She recently started her business and before this, didn’t have a website at all, so bringing her brand to life online was a real treat!

Showit Template Customization for Mary Engelken Interiors

This was a Website in a Day project and Mary chose to use our Joyfull Showit template as our jumping off point. I think her website is a great example of how a template can really be completely customized to your type of business.

The main goal with her Showit website was to make it easy for clients to browse her portfolio and get in touch to with her. We built out a more robust contact form so she can get all the details she needs from her clients upfront and makes vetting them easier. Anytime we can streamline the process for bringing in new clients, I’m pumped! Less work for my clients is always a major bonus.

Showit Template Customization

My Website in a Day process is a one-day where we start the morning with a kickoff call to walk through your inspiration and then build out an entire brand and website in just 7 hours!

By utilizing a template, we speed up the design process a lot, while still allowing for a completely customized look, plus unique branding that makes the website look totally custom. It’s honestly a win-win for everyone. Fast turnaround times, gorgeous custom-design, a platform that’s easy to maintain and update, SEO-friendly design, and professional help pulling it all together and launching it.

Showit template customization for interior designer | Interior design website inspiration

This Showit template customization service is ideal for anyone at any stage of their business. If you’re just getting started this is a budget-friendly way to get a custom-looking site and brand design—quickly.

And, for anyone who has been in business for a while but isn’t proud of their website, or is even embarrassed to share their URL, this will up level your brand instantly and give you the confidence you need to keep moving forward in your business.

After the Website in a Day Showit Template Customization

Make sure you check out the Joyfull template so you can see what we started with, and where we ended up! Mary had a small logo mark with her initials in it, but not a full logo, so we created that as well. I absolutely love the font we ended up with—it has unique ligatures and swooping letters that really make it stand out.

Get the Look

If you want to get a similar look, grab our Joyfull Showit template here, or inquire here to chat about your project and book your own Website in a Day, aka, a Showit template customization project!

BTW, 7 reasons why Showit is the best website platform for service-based businesses, and how to get a professional website in just a day.

Looking for a website redesign?

I specialize in creating high-vibe websites for women in the health and wellness space. Browse my web design packages, view my portfolio, browse Showit website templates and inquire about your own website refresh today! 

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Shop Showit Website Templates

Stunning Showit websites that seamlessly integrate with Wordpress and include a beautiful Showit blog template as well. These gorgeous templates are 100% customizable, strategically-designed & easy to use.

A clean and organic website template ideal for nutritionists, health coaches, and service-based business owners.

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A grounding & soft website template ideal for nutritionists, health coaches, and service-based business owners.

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A warm and inviting template ideal for coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners.

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A feel-good template ideal for sleep consultants, coaches, and service-based business owners.

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A muted & neutral Showit website template to highlight your work. Ideal for service-based providers, designers & more.

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A bold, whimsical and fun design ideal for coaches, service-based businesses and content creators.

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With a decade of web design and blogging under my belt, I'm here to take your website up a notch (or 10) and allow you to bring more of your magic to the world.

I design Showit + Wordpress websites and blogs, as well as gorgeous website templates to bring your business to life so you can earn more, keep your audience engaged, book your dream clients and create the life of your dreams.

Web designer, SEO nerd, wellness-obsessed mama

Hi, I'm Blair Staky

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