Well, you might have noticed that this week, you’re landing on BlairStaky.com instead of The Fox & She for this month’s small business income report. I made a big career shift last year and finally decided to say goodbye to The Fox & She. It served me well for so many years and I’m so incredibly grateful for it, but it’s time for the next chapter.

I was surprisingly emotional about it the day I announced it on IG and changed my handle. It was a little scary, but also like a big relief. I could stop trying to be in two places at once and finally just go forward with the things I really want to focus on now.
I was talking with my business coach who encouraged me to make these changes that I’d been thinking about for a while. Side note, having someone else to talk about my business with has been the best thing ever! Being a solo entrepreneur can be so dang lonely at times. Having someone to ask all your hard questions is honestly just what we need sometimes.
Anyway, I finally did it and felt like it was a big sign to the Universe that I am ready for this next chapter. Ironically, I saw a zillion feathers last week, which is my sign from the Universe that I look for when I need extra support.
Sometimes you’ve gotta take big, bold steps and go for it to really make it happen. The rest will fall in place.
So, now that you have a little life and business update, let’s get into February’s income report! If you’re new here and want to know the actual, juicy numbers, you can sign up for my emails and you’ll get them, plus one email (most weeks—I’m not perfect) with a little encouragement, real talk and a boost to get you going on your own big dreams.
February 2022 Small Business Income Report

I love doing these income reports because it wasn’t that long ago that I was reading through these on other people’s blog to try and figure out how to grow my own business. I found so many ideas and inspiration through reading them. My goal with sharing these is to inspire you, and show you that making a living online is 1000% doable!
As a mom, having a business that runs on my own terms has been one of the biggest blessings. Sure, some days are hard, but being able to take Thursdays off with my kids, enjoy slow mornings and take the random afternoon off—just because. If you’ve been dreaming about it, don’t stop, keep exploring, and let yourself dream. That’s truly where it all starts.
This past month was much better than January—as we all know, January was tough, but I’m thrilled that I made it out the other side! All the sites I planned on launching in January finally launched and I’m so happy with how they turned out. I’m so grateful for all my amazing clients! Working with passionate female entrepreneurs lights me up!
My income increased 60% from January to February. With February being a shorter month, it’s always great to see it tick upwards!
So, let’s break it down!

Web Design: 51%
Freelance Design: 15%
Strategy Sessions: 9% (a new service I launched this month!)
Ads: 6%
Affiliates: 18%
- Amazon
- Beautycounter
- RewardStyle
- Branch Basics

Top Sources of Traffic
My traffic on The Fox & She dropped quite a bit, but I only posted 3x this month. And, as you now know, I will be focusing my blogging efforts here at blairstaky.com now, so I won’t be sharing this traffic anymore because it simply isn’t my focus.

My traffic to BlairStaky.com was about the same—NOT A LOT, ha! But, now that I’ve moved my blog over here, I expect these numbers to start growing in a big way!
Email List
Gah, I keep kicking myself here because while I know I need to spend more time growing this list, I just haven’t felt like I have the time to really dedicate to it. I started February with 4,172 and now I have 4,233. Since my templates launch this month, I’m hopeful that I have more time to dedicate to growing my list and sharing my freebies!
First Quarter Goals
Changing my goals from monthly to quarterly has felt so much more realistic and exciting! So often, I can’t finish something big like launching my template shop in a month, so this has given me a more realistic runway. Instead of getting burnt out or frustrated, I feel empowered and end up creating mini goals along the way that feel more attainable.
When I look back at my quarterly goals from last month, I’ve accomplished SO MUCH! Honestly, this is a big reason why I love doing these reports. I’m someone who struggles with stopping and celebrating the little stuff, but I’m getting better. Writing these reports always makes me go—”holy cow!!!! look at everything you’ve done!”
I refreshed BlairStaky.com (and moved my blog here and changed my IG handle!), my template shop will launch this week, and I launched my strategy calls which have been so successful and something I really enjoy—getting to help other women in their business has been so fulfilling!
So, with lots accomplished
Make More Progress on DCA
I mentioned last month that I bought Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy and have been slowly working my way through it. Through the Strategy Sessions, I’ve really learned that I love to teach and help other women along their way in business. I have so many different ideas for courses, which can feel overwhelming at times, but I also know it’ll all come in due time. If you’re on the edge about her course, I highly recommend it! I’m not done yet, but it’s really made me think so much differently about creating a course and I’m excited to really dive into this over the next few months.
Grow Email List by 500
I keep saying this is something I need to make a priority, but then I don’t—so, I’m making a bold statement. By the end of this month, my goal is to grow my list by 500 subscribers.
Fill My Calendar with New Custom Web Design Clients
The first week of March, I launched 4 sites—I’ll be sharing them all very soon! That made room for a bunch of new clients! I’m excited to help these women on their own entrepreneurial journeys and give them a little more confidence with their business. If you’re interested in custom web design, you can learn more here, or get in touch to chat more 🙂
Create the Life I Want
This one is an ongoing goal, but I’m making it more of a priority. This past month, I did something HUGE (for me) and hired my very first business coach. One thing we’ve been working on is actively creating the life I want NOW, instead of waiting for some random “goal” in the future. What that looks like right now is slower mornings, going for walks, wrapping up work earlier, taking an afternoon off without my kids and doing more of the things I love—like cooking and traveling.
So often, we think, “oh well, once I do XYZ, then I’ll feel comfortable doing ABC.” But the reality is usually that we hit that goal and still don’t feel worthy of taking the time for ourselves. Work will find it’s way between the time we create for ourselves. I think it also sends a big sign to the Universe of what you desire and now expect, and everything else falls around it!
On that note, I leave you! I am thrilled for this big shift in my career this week. It feels new, exciting and like it’s just the beginning of something really wonderful. I’m so grateful for all of you for being here, reading these reports and blog posts and allowing me to help you grow your own business. Truly, it’s an honor! To feel this excited about the work you’re doing? Everyone should have that! So, to all my side hustlers and entrepreneurs or wannabe entrepreneurs, keep going—it gets good 😉
BTW, one trick that helped me successfully build a web design business, and January 2022 income report.