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June 2022: Business Income Report

Good morning sunshines! I hope your summer has been good so far! I’m excited to share this month’s business income report and what I’m working on over these slower summer months.

As much as I love the slower pace of summer, vacation, friends visiting and warm weather, it can also be a challenging time as a business owner. In every business I’ve ever run—from WordPress web designer to full-time content creator back to Showit website designer—summer tends to be a little slow. It’s easy to freak out and start thinking that your business is imploding or that you’re doing something wrong, but I’m here to tell you, you aren’t.

Summer just tends to be slower for most businesses.

For that reason, I’m leaning into the slower pace and focusing on some of the big picture projects that I don’t always have time for when things are busy. I’m continuing to lay the foundation for what I want my business to look like in another 8-12 months. While it doesn’t always feel super productive and successful in the moment, I think we all know that we need these quiet moments to focus on our long-term growth. More on what I’m focusing on this month at the end of this post, but onto June!

Honestly, I struggled a little financially this month and a lot of this month I didn’t feel that great about where I was. I worked through a lot of internal money blocks that I didn’t even know I had and am continuing to work through them. I won’t lie, sometimes this work is uncomfortable.

If you’re nosy like me and want to know what I ACTUALLY made this month, click here and I’ll spill all the details!

Getting to know yourself deeper like this can open up a lot of feelings, but if you want to move forward and get to a place you’ve never been, you simply have to do things you’ve never done before.

You have to get uncomfortable and scare yourself a little. And, the truth is, those things never end up being quite as scary as we thought they were—at least that’s been my experience.

June 2022: Business Income Report

June 2022 Income Report as a Web Designer & Online Entrepreneur

I still finished this month with higher numbers than I expected, and it wasn’t even my lowest month even though it felt like that at points throughout the month. What’s been cool to see is that I’ve been able to continuously hit a certain threshold every month. That feels so great, but I’d like to see that number go higher (duh, who wouldn’t).

There’s been a lot of internal work this past month around my beliefs and relationship with money. Discovering some money blocks I didn’t even know I had, and pushing myself to believe new truths about what it means to be successful and make more money.

I’ve been reading “You’re a Badass at Making Money” this month and have had some great ah-ha moments. More than anything, I find that reading books like this (also love Jen Sincero’s original book, “You are a Badass”) on a regular basis really help me to stay in the flow and aligned with what I want to accomplish. It’s like an extra bit of encouragement every day—even if you’re just reading a few pages each morning or night.

An excerpt that recently stuck out to me was about how she decided to manifest $10K in 2 days, when she was previously making $1-2K/week. She decided it was hers, let herself really feel those feelings and things HAPPENED. Within those two days, she ended up making something like $18K!

It reminded me of how powerful each and every one of us are and our beliefs, mindset and energy can give us everything we desire. What’s especially cool about this is how it unlocked something new for her. Making an insane amount of money in 48 hours had happened… what else could she do?

Personally, I love dreaming and imagining and feeling into those emotions—it’s FUN and it makes manifesting what you want a whole heck of a lot easier.

Okay, now for the breakdown of different income streams!

Income Breakdown for June 2022

As you might remember, I launched The Collective last month and I wanted to put that in it’s own category, but honestly it’s hard to keep up with what transactions are from what sale. I have a single Stripe account and they all basically look the same when they come through, so for the purposes of ease and simplicity, The Collective sales will be listed under “Digital Products”.


Web Design: 36%

Freelance: 19%

Strategy Sessions, The Collective & Website Templates: 8%

Art: 6% (my side hustle and other creative outlet!)

Ads: 4%

Affiliates: 27%

Website Traffic

Website traffic for june 2022

Not a huge change in traffic. I had less visitors this month, but not by many. I did make some updates to my pages in terms of SEO so it will be interesting to watch that play out over the next few months.

I mentioned last month that I plan to start creating more blog content this summer. One, I really love blogging—there’s a reason that I did it full-time for 5 years, and two—it’s a great way to build SEO, drive traffic and grow my email list.

Email List

Speaking of email lists, I did a clean out this month, so while I had 4,426 subscribers in mid-June, I now have 3,192—which sounds awful, right? But, I realized that having people on my list who had unsubscribed (weirdly they still count towards your subscriber number until you actually delete them), and lots of people who hadn’t opened an email from me in the past 6 months. So, I removed them.

What this does is boost your open rate because there is now a higher percentage of people opening those emails than before. The smaller list are actually people who are engaged and reading emails. And, when your open rate gets super low, it can signal that you’re sending people junk, when you’re really not.

So, it’s smart to go in every quarter and do a good list clean out!

July Goals

Launch Art Collection: My next art collection launched this week! I’m so proud of it—I took a long break from painting and when I picked up my brushes again, magic came out. If you want to check it out, you can see all the pieces here.

Blog Regularly: I’ve been BURSTING with ideas lately and I’m excited to start putting them on paper. I love sharing and teaching and blogging really allows me to do that best. I’m excited to make this more of my weekly routine.

Book 3 New Web Design Clients: I’m wrapping up 3 projects this month and am excited to start working with 3 new clients on creating their dream website that works better for them. Interested, get in touch!

Make Major Progress on my SEO Course: I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about creating something in my life. The truth is that I’m really nerdy. I love geeking out over SEO and can’t wait to share this with you guys. While I love IG, I love that SEO puts me in control more and there’s strategy behind it that anyone can implement. I know it’s overwhelming, but my goal is to make it super easy to understand, actionable and help you start ranking higher and getting more of the well-deserved traffic to your site. If you’re interested in hearing more about this course once it’s ready, sign up here and I’ll send you details as it gets closer to launch!

Ready to start your project?

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With more than a decade of web design experiencer my belt, I'm here to take your website up a notch (or 10) and allow you to bring more of your magic to the world. I work with mostly female entrepreneurs and help them create a strategy-driven website that creates solutions and streamlines their business while truly representing them and their craft to bring their business to life online.

Let me help you make designing a standout site simple, so you can earn more, keep your audience engaged, book your dream clients and create the life of your dreams.

Hi, I'm Blair Staky

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