I’ve got to be honest with you guys, March was a rollercoaster. It was full of some high-highs and some low-lows.
I launched a bunch of new projects right at the beginning of the month, then my template shop, and then it was crickets—for weeks! It felt like such a crushing blow after the amazing start.

In those weeks, life felt chaotic and tumultuous. Between my husband, Rob, closing a deal at work and working longer than normal hours, and some other miscommunications with friends and family that led to some tough conversations and emotions, I felt like everything was going wonky.
Even with my own business! I’d have these periods where I’d get fired up, and have a few amazing phone calls, only to yet again, hear nothing. I couldn’t figure it out—what was I doing wrong?
After a much-need conversation with my business coach and lots of reading from one of my favorite books, Super Attractor, I felt this pull to just let go a bit. Okay, a lot! But, this whole practice of non-resistance and allowing instead of forcing or pushing, does not come easy to me. I’m naturally a busy person, and when things get slow—I freak out.
Instead of leaning into the quiet and realizing that this slow period had actually come at the perfect time (remember, Rob’s super busy few weeks of work coincided with this), I was over here trying to push and force and figure out what I could do to fix it.
When, in reality, nothing was wrong!
Businesses ebb and flow. There are always going to be highs and lows, without them, it wouldn’t be all that great, would it? When I finally just released all my fears and worries and stopped staring at my blank inbox, I got busy doing something else I love. I had slow mornings, went for walks, painted my dining room, re-arranged some furniture, got rid of a ton of clutter, and felt good about it all.
Low and behold—the next few days, client inquiries popped up, I got 2 new 1:1 coaching clients, a new web design client! And, I didn’t have to do any pushing or forcing. Instead, I leaned into joy and fun and trusted that it was all going to work out.
I will tell you from my own personal experience, letting go of fear and worries is much easier said than done. The fear still creeps in, but the more I let go, I find myself pleasantly surprised with what happens without any effort. The more proof of these tiny miracles I see makes it easier and easier to continue to let go and live my life from a place of joy, instead of stress or worry.
This quote bubbled up on IG earlier this week and it felt like EXACTLY the thing I needed to be reminded of this month:
“Sometimes the Universe tests you the most when you’re close to a new chapter.”
– source
Now that you know exactly where my heads at after this month, let’s dive into this month’s business and blog income report! Also, I should note that during my call with my mentor, I mentioned that this month had been one of the slowest for my business. I often feel that because I share these publicly, I should be growing every single month, but I realize that’s not realistic. Like I said, every business ebbs and flows, and every month isn’t going to be your very best. And, when it comes down to it, my entire goal with sharing these is to show you what a real business online can look like—ups and downs included.
As the month closed out, I laughed to myself a bit when I looked at the final number. For being a slow month, it was still an incredible month. Years ago, I dreamed of one day hitting numbers like this, and now I was whining about my “slow” month? I stopped immediately and felt so much gratitude for how far I’ve come, and got excited about what’s in the future.
P.S. If you’re curious what that real number is, make sure you join my list here and I’ll send you the actual numbers!
March 2022 Blog & Business Income Report

I’ve you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m no longer a lifestyle blogger, but instead a Showit website designer. I also offer business coaching, email marketing services and sell website templates! It’s crazy to look back and see how different my business (and life!) is in just a few months. Further proof that if you set your mind out to do something, get really focused and commit—big things can happen!
It’s important to note that the first 2 months on the graph above are from my blogging days. There were higher blogging months for sure, but with so much changing in that space, I’d found that my income was stagnating and even dropping over time. A big part of that was that my passion for it was just gone.
Never ever be afraid to pivot or change your business altogether if it’s no longer aligned with what you want. It’s scary at times and some people aren’t going to like, but it’s your life—do what makes YOU happy and fulfilled!
Fresh Beginning
This past month, I went full on, all-in and officially moved my blog to BlairStaky.com vs. TheFoxandShe.com. I had so many feelings about this change, but ultimately knew it was right. When I finally did it, I felt so free—like I could do anything I wanted here! A fresh beginning of sorts 🙂
As I mentioned, this month felt SO slow, but wildly enough, it was still a great month. I’m glad this happened because it showed me that I do not have to be constantly busy and feel stressed in my business for it to make great money. This block has been something I’ve been working on breaking for a while, so this felt like a huge breakthrough!

Let’s break it down:
Web Design: 33%
Freelance: 19%
Strategy Sessions & Digital Products: 25%
Ads: 5%
Affiliates: 18%
- Amazon
- Beautycounter
- RewardStyle
- Branch Basics

Before I moved my blog to BlairStaky.com, I was getting about 250 visitors per month on my site. This month, I had 1.7K visitors!
This is why I say a blog is SO great for your business! It brings in great traffic and as your SEO continues to build. Also, you add new content, you build more and more SEO juice and traffic continues to tick upwards. Yes, SEO can be a slow growth thing. However, it’s sustainable growth that drives traffic month after month, vs. the traffic a single IG post would give you!
If you’ve been on the fence, check out this post for more reasons on why a blog is a great idea for your business.
Email List
I have 4,233 at the start of March and now we’re at 4,315. I’ve been putting a lot of focus on this every month. However, one thing I’m realizing is that growing my list has not directly related to how much money I earn. I still think it’s absolutely worth growing. Nonetheless, I guess my point is that I’m not letting myself get hung up on this every single month.
I know that I have some incredible free opt-ins and they’re working. However, again, just not letting myself get worked up here over a vanity number that’s not directly impacting my income at the moment.
Second Quarter Goals
Wow, we’re in the second quarter of this year! It’s already been an incredible year. So much change has happened in my business and life these past 6 months. I know that in another six, I’ll be saying the same thing.
The first quarter, I had a lot of goals around creating products, figuring out my services, getting my website updated—lots of technical and behind the scenes things.
This next quarter is less about creation and more about growing—both personally and professionally.
Focus on Growing the Services & Products I Have
Another blogger habit that’s been a hard one for me to break (but I’m getting there), is this feeling that I always need to be creating something new—a new product or service or offering. Instead, I’m really working on focusing on the services and products I already have created!
I still find that when I talk about what I do on IG, I still get responses from people saying they had no ideaI was doing web design! Just a friendly reminder to share your offers often. Rememebr, not everyone is going to see them the first time you share it.
Start Working on a Course or Membership
Okay, so I know I just said I’m trying not to create more. However, this has been a long time goal for me. So, I’m not counting it in the same category of “always creating.” I’m doing this so that I’m able to impact more women and more small businesses! Not simply to keep myself busy.
I love teaching, strategizing and guiding other business owners! It’s part of the reason I love Strategy Sessions and get so fired up on my calls with my custom web design clients! Being a small part of your success lights me up. Creating a course or membership (still figuring out what’s best) has been a long, long goal of mine. It’s been something I’ve been silently working on behind the scenes for a while.
The hardest part for me has been figuring out exactly what it is I want to share within this program. This next quarter, I’m definitely dedicating some serious time to focus on this, break it down and listen to you about what it is you really need help, support and guidance on.
Lean Into the Life I Want
Part of being an influencer for years was this feeling that I had to be “on” 24-7. It was exhausting. While it was a big part of me changing my career path, it’s also been a hard habit to break. This month, I let a lot go. I did it to see that nothing in my business went wrong or completely fell apart. Also, it gave me the proof I needed to keep going.
In general, the more fun I have, the easier everything is—my business and my life. I’m aiming for more of that!
As always, I hope these reports help give you the motivation to keep going after your dreams. You get motivated to see what’s possible for an online business. DM me if you have any questions about how to grow your own business. You can also set up a Discovery Call to see how I can help!