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3 Cool Ways to Easily Add Testimonials on a Website with Showit

In this post I’m sharing how to add testimonials on a website with Showit, and why they are so essential for building trust with you audience.

We all know that one of the key ways to gaining new customers and clients is to build some mega trust. When a potential client gets to know you, learn more about your business and fall in love with your work, you create that trust.

So, what else makes gaining a potential new customer’s trust easier when they land on your website? You can talk about all the wonderful things you do, but there are few things more powerful than testimonials and social proof.

Teaching you 3 easy ways to add testimonials to your Showit website to build trust with your audience. Business tips and Showit tutorials at blairstaky.com

Testimonials are simply statements from satisfied customers about their positive experiences with your services or products. They can be quick and to the point, or longer format that really dives deep into their experience and they are gold!

These testimonials give your business and brand social proof. This refers to the idea that people are more likely to make decisions based on the actions of others around them. So, if they see that other people, just like them, had a really amazing experience with your business, then they’re more likely to take the next step knowing they’ll likely get similar results.

We all know how powerful testimonials and reviews are, right?! Just think about the last time you bought something on Amazon, you probably checked the reviews to make sure other people were happy with the product. I know that’s one of the first things I do when I land on an item I’m considering!

So, before we dive into exactly how to create a testimonials section for your Showit website, I wanted to share a few more reasons why testimonials can be beneficial for your website and your business in case you’re not convinced just yet:

Why Testimonials on a Website are Absolutely Essential for Building Trust

Build Trust

Like we mentioned above, testimonials and social proof help to build trust with potential customers. When people see that others have had positive experiences with your business, they are more likely to trust that your products or services are of high quality. This means they’re more likely to take the next step because they can truly see the value of your service or product and what it could do for them.

Increase Credibility

Testimonials and social proof can also increase the credibility of your business. If you have a lot of positive reviews or testimonials on your website, it shows that your business is established and has a good reputation.

If you’re just getting started and no one has sent over a review yet, reach out to people you’ve worked with and ask if they’d be open to writing a testimonial if they had a positive experience. I find that people are usually open to it. Plus, if you link back to their website, it helps build their backlinks too—win, win!

Improve Conversions

If you’re looking to improve your conversions, testimonials will help greatly! You should consider putting a glowing review on your submission form or on your checkout page to give people that extra confidence!

When people see that others have had positive experiences with your business, they are more likely to convert into customers themselves.

Provide Social Validation

When people see that others are using your products or services, they are more likely to want to use them as well. Sometimes with products and services, there’s a little bit of herd-mentality. It’s why you sometimes see people grow rapidly because someone recommends them, and suddenly more people want to use them as well.

Create a sense of community:

Lastly, this can help build a sense of community. As someone who’s almost always worked for myself, it can be isolating. Building this sense of community within my brand is empowering and exciting and something that attracts new customers into my business.

When people see that others are using your products or services and having positive experiences, they are more likely to feel like they are part of a larger community of satisfied customers.

Okay, so it’s pretty easy to see that testimonials and social proof are incredibly valuable for your website. They can help to build trust, increase credibility, improve conversions, provide social validation, and create a sense of community. If you don’t have testimonials or social proof on your website yet, it’s definitely time to add them to help grow your business.

So, exactly how can you do this on your Showit website?

3 Cool Ways to Add Testimonials to a Website on Showit

Because Showit is a drag-and-drop platform, it’s easy to add a new section, called a ‘Canvas’ to any page and drag it to where you want your testimonials to display. There are several different ways to display your testimonials, so let’s talk through them.

How to Add Single Static Testimonials on a Website

This is exactly what it sounds like—a single testimonial on one canvas. These can be powerful and make a bold statement on your website. You can add an image of your customer, or the project you completed for them, their quote, name and link to their website. These can be great peppered through your services page or on a sales page as well.

How to Add Multiple Static Testimonials on a Website

If you have a bunch of testimonials, or just want to highlight a grouping of them in one place, you can create a static Canvas like above, but include 2-3 testimonials in one place. This is a great way to build that social validation—the idea that lots of people are usign and enjoying your product.

As your business and testimonials grow, you can add to this section, or build out multiple canvases to use in different areas within your website.

How to Add Scrolling Testimonials on a Website

This type of Canvas has the same purpose, but just looks a bit different. You can show a single testimonial and have arrows to scroll through, or have it set to automatically slide through all of them, or you can have multiple testimonials that scroll through at a time.

This can be a great option to add some animation and movement to your website, or simply to highlight the numerous testimonials that you’ve collected.

One thing to note here if you set it to scroll automatically, make sure you still have an option for them to manually scroll through, and make sure the testimonials you feature are quick and easy to read since people won’t have a ton of time to look before the next one pops up.

Showit Video Tutorial: How to Add Testimonials, 3 Ways

Now you might know which one (or ones) you want to use, so I created a video that walks you through exactly how to do this below:

If you’d rather start with something that’s professionally designed, browse our Showit templates, all which have a testimonials section ready for you to populate with your kinds words from your clients and customers!

Still looking for more customization or even custom design, browse our web design packages and book a call to see what’s best for you!

BTW, the number 1 best hack for growing your website traffic, and 5 hacks for running a more efficient business while working from home.

Looking for a website redesign?

I specialize in creating high-vibe websites for women in the health and wellness space. Browse my web design packages, view my portfolio, browse Showit website templates and inquire about your own website refresh today! 

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With a decade of web design and blogging under my belt, I'm here to take your website up a notch (or 10) and allow you to bring more of your magic to the world.

I design Showit + Wordpress websites and blogs, as well as gorgeous website templates to bring your business to life so you can earn more, keep your audience engaged, book your dream clients and create the life of your dreams.

Web designer, SEO nerd, wellness-obsessed mama

Hi, I'm Blair Staky

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