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April 2022: Business Income Report

Hi!! It’s been a little quiet over here on the blog this past month, but that’s because lots of things are happening behind the scenes. I’ve been quietly researching and building something that I am SO excited about—if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re going to love it, so stay tuned for more news on this!!

I had this realization this month that I just can’t do it all. I preach this all the time, but for some reason, it’s been a harder truth for myself to swallow. I want to be able to show up on social media, provide useful blog content and build out programs and services that help you reach your goals. But, months like this past one where I’m deep in the creation phase, means something’s gotta give.

April 2022 Income Report

I mentioned this in last month’s income report—businesses ebb and flow. I still have to remind myself that I’ve only been doing this for 7 months. Of course it’s still a work in progress!

I keep coming back to this idea of a gardener, planting seeds, building a foundation for an amazing harvest. When you first plant the seeds, you’re all excited and then you have to be patient as they grow roots, sprout and grow into something big. When I remember this, I know that all my frustrations and bumps in the road are just part of growing a business.

The key is to keep moving forward, stick to your vision and continue, even when things get hard.

It’s important for me to share that because I don’t want anyone to think it’s all sunshine and roses and perfection over here. Growth is challenging, sometimes it’s not the most fun, but knowing what is coming on the other side always makes it worth it!

Now, let’s get into this month’s income report! As a friendly reminder, I share my actual numbers with my subscribers, if you want in on it, sign up here.

March 2022: Business Income Report

April 2022: Business Income Report

If you’re new here, I shifted my whole career path last October. I was a lifestyle and fashion blogger before, but had been feeling this tug at my heart for years to do something that had a bigger impact on the women I was able to reach. It was a wonderful career and journey, but I was itching for something new and it finally came clear to me in October.

I hung up my lifestyle blogging hat and jumped back into web design full-time. It’s been such an interesting transition because I aimed to simply design websites, but now I find myself doing business coaching, helping women with their mindset and strategy to grow their businesses. As for web design, it’s not just about creating a pretty site! Obviously that is part of it, but creating a website that helps your business run more effectively is the ultimate goal!

That’s what’s so cool about starting your own business—as you evolve and find things you love, your business can evolve to fit those newfound passions. I’m so grateful for that and everything I’ve stumbled upon in these past 7 months.

What I’m starting to find is that my business is slowly becoming more sustainable—meaning, I can count on new web design clients and new coaching clients pretty regularly. Ideally, I’d like to get to a point where I’m booked out a month in advance. I think any service-based entrepreneur would agree that would be a nice, comfortable place to be! I know it will happen and I’m excited that it’s going that way.

April Highlights

  1. I joined a program to help get my new project off the ground! I’ve been toying around this this idea for months and it’s becoming more and more clear and REAL! Like, real as in I’m creating the content for it NOW! That feels HUGE!
  2. I booked two new DREAM clients and have been working on their branding and the beginnings of their websites. I got a few other promising inquiries as well—something I’m learning is that I’ve got to be patient! Sometimes clients aren’t ready to jump in 100% the first time you talk.
  3. I picked up my paint brushes again. As some of you might now, I’m also an artist! Last year, I thought I might try to go full-time with my art, but the thing about art for me is that I don’t enjoy it unless I feel creative and inspired. I took 6 months off and finally felt that I had the mental space and creativity to jump in and it’s been so much fun.
  4. I invested in myself again. Three months ago, I took a huge leap of faith and signed on with my first business coach. The instant peace I got after making the investment in myself was insane. I just signed on again for another 3 months and can’t wait to see what all happens.
I’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again, investing in yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Not only does it hold you accountable, give you someone to talk to and help you grow faster. It shifts EVERYTHING, particularly your mindset which has been the biggest change for me. If you’re ready to stop playing it small and go after the things you keep talking about, but your money where your mouth is and invest in yourself! Whether that’s a course, a program, a coach—find what works for you and commit to your vision. You owe it to yourself to be your best version 😉

April 2022: Business Income Breakdown

Let’s Break It Down:

Web Design: 39%

Freelance: 18%

Strategy Sessions & Website Templates: 5%

Art: 17% (new category this month!)

Ads: 4%

Affiliates: 17%


April 2022 website & blog  traffic

My traffic stayed pretty consistent from last month, and this month, I only posted two blog posts! I had a lot going on behind the scenes and admittedly just wasn’t feeling it. I do have some great post ideas in the works for this month.

The spike you see there is from my last income report—these are always your favorites, which I totally get. The whole reason I decided to do these is because I love reading others’ reports, I find them so fascinating and helpful!

Email List

I started the month with 4,315 subscribers, and ended with 4,353. Considering I haven’t been posting regularly and driving traffic to my free opt-ins, I’m happy it’s still growing!

I’ve said in the past that I want to focus on this, but I’ve changed my tune a bit. Yes, of course, I want to see this grow, but I haven’t noticed that the growth has made a huge impact on my actual income. At the end of the day, that’s more important to me than simply having a few more people on my list!

May & 2nd Quarter Goals

May Deadlines

I moved away from some of the monthly goals, but I’m in the midst of building out a program for entrepreneurs and I am SO excited!!! I also know that I need to have some hard deadlines for some of the big things like outlining it, creating slides, recording video and getting it all pulled together. So, my BIG goals for May are to finish outlining the program, create the slides and then do the damn thing and RECORD it!

Sometimes getting over that final hump is the hardest part! I’ve set deadlines in my calendar and broken these things down into smaller goals so I can get it done in a way that makes sense.

Grow Web Design Business

My ultimate goal is to have 3 new clients a month! I’ve been averaging around 2, which is amazing and I’m so grateful for them. I know I have the capacity for one more web design client and I’m ready for it!

Grow Strategy Sessions

I’ve mentioned this before, but I LOVE doing these coaching calls. I’m grateful to have a decade of experience in online business and marketing between my old web design business and years of blogging full-time. I love sharing my expertise with others who are growing their business.

I started these with single sessions, but now offer a 3-month package because I personally know how impactful the ongoing support and accountability is. Getting deeper into someone’s business is so great and if you’re looking to sign on for these, I highly recommend the 3-month package!

Keep Having Fun

I think I got this idea that business had to be “serious”, but I’m finding that the more fun I have, the more I lean into the things I love and make space for them, the more my business flourishes. I want that for every entrepreneur!

That’s why we go into business, right? To create our own schedules, break through our income ceilings and live on our own terms while making an impact and difference in the lives of others. For me, that’s what it’s all about!

BTW, ready to take your own business to the next level, book a Discovery Call or book a Strategy Session and say YES to your big dreams!

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With a decade of web design and blogging under my belt, I'm here to take your website up a notch (or 10) and allow you to bring more of your magic to the world.

I design Showit + Wordpress websites and blogs, as well as gorgeous website templates to bring your business to life so you can earn more, keep your audience engaged, book your dream clients and create the life of your dreams.

Web designer, SEO nerd, wellness-obsessed mama

Hi, I'm Blair Staky

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